Q How to ensure that the wheels are not moving or sliding around?

We will install a pair of “Locking Mechanism” on both ends of the wheels to ensure that the wheels are not moving once it’s locked.

Q How to ensure that the wheels are not moving or sliding around?

We will install a pair of “Locking Mechanism” on both ends of the wheels to ensure that the wheels are not moving once it’s locked.

Q  How do you ship it out to worldwide customers?

We take all necessary precaution before its dispatch from the factory. The most inner layer is wrapping up with a thin layer of shrink wrap, then follow by a customized EPE form to firmly secure its position within the carton box.

Q Why chose us?

We are a leading manufacturer/provider of temporary barriers, retractable barrier gates, crowd control barriers, and other types of baarrier gates across worldwide.

Q Ours Vs. Theirs?

The most important different are as follow: We use industrial grade aluminium alloy 6063-T5 which avoiding all the rusting and corrosion issues that you are facing with other suppliers. We use high quality powder coating (Interpon). It’s environmentally friendly which makes every colours are GREEN.

Q Can we standardize the length of the gate?

 Yes, all gate can be standardize base on 2m length, this will ensure that the crowd control gates are light, portable and good for storage.

Q How to extend the length of the crowd control gate?

 All crowd control gate comes with inter-connectors and users are able to extend the length base on the application.

Q  How to avoid unauthorized personnel from moving the crowd control barrier?

All crowd control barrier comes with a set of “Alligator Clamp” which able to lock up the frames from moving.

Q How to ensure that the wheels are not moving or sliding around?

We will install a pair of “Locking Mechanism” on both ends of the wheels to ensure that the wheels are not moving once it’s locked.

Q  How do you ship it out to worldwide customers?

We take all necessary precaution before its dispatch from the factory. The most inner layer is wrapping up with a thin layer of shrink wrap, then follow by a customized EPE form to firmly secure its position within the carton box.
